word cloud python
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We have created a python program that generates a wordcloud based on your gmail account. The output may look something like this depending on the contents of your emails.
First you will need a small script that interacts with the gmail service. We have created a small script that interact with gmail. It relies on gmaillib installed and you will need to set: allow “less-secure” applications to access gmail server: https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps
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Gmail example:
#!/usr/bin/env python |
If this script runs successfully you have almost all requirements installed. You will also need the library called wordcloud. We rebuild the system such that we get one long string containing the message bodies, which we feed as input to the wordcloud instance. The variable amount contains the number of mails to fetch. We have set it to 100 but you could set it to all messages using get_inbox_count() or you could simply fetch all emails of the last week.
Final program:
#!/usr/bin/env python |
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