pyqt5 browser
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PyQt5 supports a widget that displays websites named QWebView.
QWebView uses the Webkit rendering engine
The web browser engine is used by Safari, App Store and many OS X applications.
The load() method opens the url (QUrl) in the argument. You can create a QUrl using: QUrl(url).
The show() method is required to display the widget.
Related course:
To use this widget you may need to install an additional package:
Read more about PyQt5.
PyQt5 webkit example
The example below loads a webpage in a PyQt5 window.

Posted in pyqt5
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Hi bro, its error : No module named 'PyQt5.QtWebKit'. What can i do? -sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit- its not working.
This is an installation problem. Sometimes PyQt5.QtWebkit is not included with the installation (not compiled). Try these command
You can also try upgrading PyQt