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PyQt5 supports several input dialogs, to use them import QInputDialog.
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QInputDialog, QLineEdit
An overview of PyQt5 input dialogs:

Related course:
Get integer
Get an integer with QInputDialog.getInt():
def getInteger(self): i, okPressed = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Get integer","Percentage:", 28, 0, 100, 1) if okPressed: print(i)
Parameters in order: self, window title, label (before input box), default value, minimum, maximum and step size.
Get double
Get a double with QInputDialog.getDouble():
def getDouble(self): d, okPressed = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Get double","Value:", 10.05, 0, 100, 10) if okPressed: print(d)
The last parameter (10) is the number of decimals behind the comma.
Get item/choice
Get an item from a dropdown box:
def getChoice(self): items = ("Red","Blue","Green") item, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Get item","Color:", items, 0, False) if okPressed and item: print(item)
Get a string
Get a string using QInputDialog.getText()
def getText(self): text, okPressed = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Get text","Your name:", QLineEdit.Normal, "") if okPressed and text != '': print(text)
There are many more widgets (qwidget) and showing dialogs is only one of the things you can do.
Example all PyQt5 input dialogs
Complete example below:
import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QInputDialog, QLineEdit from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon
class App(QWidget):
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title = 'PyQt5 input dialogs -' self.left = 10 = 10 self.width = 640 self.height = 480 self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width, self.height) self.getInteger() self.getText() self.getDouble() self.getChoice() def getInteger(self): i, okPressed = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Get integer","Percentage:", 28, 0, 100, 1) if okPressed: print(i)
def getDouble(self): d, okPressed = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Get double","Value:", 10.50, 0, 100, 10) if okPressed: print( d) def getChoice(self): items = ("Red","Blue","Green") item, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Get item","Color:", items, 0, False) if okPressed and item: print(item)
def getText(self): text, okPressed = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Get text","Your name:", QLineEdit.Normal, "") if okPressed and text != '': print(text)
if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = App() sys.exit(app.exec_())
If you are new to programming Python PyQt, I highly recommend this book.
Download PyQT5 Examples
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Slight error:
Should be if okPressed.....Thanks, indeed the return value was not stored correctly. I fixed the code